a division of Jamison Law Group
Thank you for registering. Should you become a victim of identity theft in the future, click the “File Claim” tab above. You should feel confident knowing that all of the identity theft resolution work is performed by Jamison Law Group. We will pay 100% of the fees charged by Jamison Law Group to repair your credit if you become a victim of identity theft from today’s date forward for the length of your coverage.
Jamison Law Group is a leader in credit scoring and credit issues. If you need to increase your credit score and/or repair your credit, Jamison Law Group also does these non-identity theft-related services for a separate fee. If you are getting a car loan or a mortgage and your credit score is less than 720, Jamison Law Group can save you much more than you pay them or get you approved if you are currently not able to get approved. Visit their website at www.jamisonlawgroup.com to learn more or to get a free consultation.
Depending on the coverage you opted for, either yourself, you and your spouse, or your entire household is covered if you or they ever become a victim of identity theft in the future. If a covered person ever becomes a victim in the future while coverage is active, please click HERE or the “File Claim” tab above.
Identity Theft Solutions “ITS” studied the industry to find out the services consumers actually used when they were victimized by identity theft and found that a vast majority of the features companies offer were rarely used and were a waste of money. ITS wanted to provide the most important features to consumers while eliminating the bloat that drove up the cost. ITS passes those savings onto you while also giving extra features offered by nobody other than ITS. ITS stands alone in guaranteeing that your claim will be handled by Lawyers in the United States, not customer service reps in other countries with little experience.
ITS also offers the best money-back guarantee in the industry. ITS will refund every dollar you ever paid us if we fail in removing all of the identity theft-related credit items from Experian, Equifax & TransUnion within 90-days from the time you give us the documentation needed to start remediating your credit file. For example; if ITS charged your credit card $25 per month for five years and someone living in your household became a victim of identity theft, if we fail to remove every identity theft-related item in 90 days, we would write you a check for $1500 since we were unable to deliver under the terms of our guarantee. Not only would we write you a check, but we would continue to fix the credit until every identity theft-related item was removed. We seldom need to refund money though, because our lawyers are good at what they do and fix your credit quickly.
Our research has shown that many of the features our competitors offer are either rarely used or can be obtained for free. ITS wants to provide you with only the most needed features while assuring the highest level of protection for your personal information. To offer services like money reimbursement insurance and credit monitoring, a provider must share your information with other companies. ITS would rather pass these savings onto you while at the same time not sharing your information with several companies that may not have the best security practices in place.
Want free copies of your credit report or credit monitoring? A vast majority of people who get a credit alert are already victims of identity theft. Credit monitoring can alert you faster but does not protect you from becoming a victim. If and when you become a victim, rest assured that you will have experienced Attorneys working your case.If you want to get monitoring, you can get it for free by signing up for an Experian account that doesn’t require you to enter a credit card. Sign-up for it at https://www.experian.com/consumer-products/credit-monitoring.html You can also get free monitoring at https://www.creditkarma.com which provides Equifax and Trans Union monitoring. We do suggest that you sign-up for both services though because in addition to free monitoring, you can see your credit reports for free. Experian will try to get you to upgrade to premium products, but just ignore the upgrade offer and keep the free account.
The “million-dollar” coverage that many of our competitors offer is a seldom-needed fluff feature that hardly anyone uses. You are not liable for identity theft-related accounts beyond some token amount of around $50 per account that almost every bank waives anyways. We pass those savings onto you by not offering them.
Thanks again for trusting ITS with your identity theft needs.
Best Regards,
Identity Theft Solutions